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Pastoral Residency

“What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

2 Timothy 2:2

We believe the best place for men to be trained for ministry is within the context of the local church. With that in mind, we designed our pastoral residency. It is a 52-week intensive discipleship residency that will cover A-Z of pastoral ministry. 


So if you have a desire for either lay or vocational pastoral ministry and want to be trained for that ministry, then this residency might be for you.


If you have any further questions, email us at

-Current Residents-


Zack and Madison Seigman both grew up in the church and in Christian homes, and for the last 8 years have been earnestly following the Lord together, serving in church and walking with Christ and are thrilled to be part of Restoration Church of Sanford.  Zack recently completed a Masters of Arts in Religion degree from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and has been working as an Aerospace engineer for the last 10 years.  Madison has a Bachelor's in Biblical Studies from Liberty University and a Bachelors in Nursing from Thomas Jefferson.  Both are eager to serve together, and Zack aspires to be an elder/ Pastor and is serving in various capacities as part of Restoration’s pastoral residency.  Zack and Madison have a little girl, Anastasia (Anya) and are thankful to the Lord for her blessing in their lives and aim to build a godly home.


Traie spent 18 years of his life trapped in addiction and crime. He spent almost a decade behind bars. But in 2020 God graciously and sovereignly saved his soul, and gave Traie new life in Christ. In 2021 he sensed the Spirit calling him to full-time ministry not knowing what the challenges would entail. In 2022 he met his lovely wife, Savanna, and they were married that same year. The Odoms are expecting their baby boy, Ezra, anytime now. The Lord has brought the Odom family to Freeway Sanford with the goal of reaching One Broken Life At A Time. 

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