Kim Melnick
Jun 28, 2024
A Modern Hymn for the Ages
Did you grow up singing hymns?
Have you noticed the resurgence of old hymns set to new music and also the growing number of new or modern hymns written in the last several years?
Have you ever wondered what makes a song a hymn?
At a basic level, a hymn is a song that is steeped in Biblical truth, perhaps even directing our thoughts to specific Scripture passages or themes. Hymns are usually written with comfortable and singable melodies that encourage congregational singing. Best of all, a good hymn directs our hearts to worship the Lord for who
He is.
In introducing the modern hymn, “His Glory and Our Good,” Pastor Arthur noted that he believed the church would be singing this hymn for ages to come. This song is quickly catching on in our church and truly meets the standard for a rich, beautiful and theologically sound modern hymn.
Let’s take a look at the lyrics and then listen to the song with praise in our hearts.
I have seen my Father’s glory revealed in Jesus Christ. And the more that I behold Him, the more He satisfies. When I gaze upon His beauty, when I see Him as I should, then my eyes are lifted upward for His glory and my good.
These words immediately direct us to take our eyes off ourselves and fix them on Christ in worship. We are reminded of the satisfaction, the joy, the peace and the hope that we find in beholding Him, our transcendent Savior, who brought ultimate glory to God (Hebrews 12:2, Romans 15:13, John 12:27).
As we sing the refrain found at the end of each verse, “For His glory and my good,” we can’t help but think of the good and sovereign providence of our Lord who tells us that all things are for Him and for His glory. And we are reminded that He is always working for the good of His people. (Romans 11:35, Romans 8:28).
As we move on, we find hope in the midst of our suffering.
There is hope in every trial for I can trust the Lord. He will turn my heart towards Him and help me bear the thorn. So in faith I follow Jesus on the road not understood for I know that He is working for His glory and my good.
Oh, what solace is found in these words! The Lord provides hope for us in our trials and afflictions. He comforts us. He teaches us that our pain has purpose and, by His grace, our suffering will bring endurance, character and hope to our lives. (2 Corinthians 1: 3-4, Romans 5:3-5)
Next, we gaze deeper at the work of Christ on the cross.
See the open arms of Jesus upon the cross that day. What they understood as weakness deserves my every praise. For the charge that was against me, it was nailed into the wood. Yes I know that He has saved me for His glory and my good.
In these words, we are reminded that, in the most praise-worthy act of love, Christ willingly gave his life for us on the cross. He was not powerless or weak, but strong and fully in control. And, by giving up his life, he made us alive. Through blood-stained nails, he canceled our sin debt and He disarmed the powers of darkness in his triumph over them. (John 10:17-18, Colossians 2:13-15)
Our hearts sing with praise for our salvation….
But there’s more!
Would I gladly be made nothing that Christ would be made more. Would I seek the only kingdom that far outweighs them all. I will stand before my Father where the faithful saints have stood and with joy my heart shall praise Him for His glory and my good.
This last stanza reminds us that it is all about Him. We fight our flesh and rely on His Spirit that we might humbly seek Him as we live out our days in this broken world. We determine to seek Him first and we look with hope towards the day when we will see Him face to face living an eternity of days in the light and presence of our God and rejoicing with the Saints of all time in glorious praise (John 30:30, Matthew 6:33, Revelation 22:3-5, 1 Corinthians 13:12).
As we sing each verse, we are informed of His worthiness and as we repeat the chorus, our hearts are called to worship Him in praise. These stirring words prompt us to forget ourselves, our pride, our fears, our fleshly desires and simply exalt Him with the glory due.
To our God be the glory, to our God be praise. He alone, the name above all names. I will boast ever only in the Lord my God for I know his glory is my good.
As we sing this song on Sunday, and for many years to come, I hope that we will allow our hearts to behold Jesus, to reflect on the truths contained in the rich lyrics and that our hearts will soar with praise and worship of our Savior and King!
You can prepare your hearts for Sunday by singing along HERE